Research Application Support (RAS)

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The Research Application Support (RAS) team helps researchers develop ideas and provides pre-award grant facilitation advice. Support is available to all researchers preparing academic studies for funding applications that involve UHB staff, patients, samples, data or our facilities.

RAS supports high-quality research grant applications involving academic and industry partners by:

  • Identifying support requirements and signposting to key infrastructure and specialist teams
  • Horizon scanning and liaison with funders, partners and collaborators to identify funding opportunities
  • Providing NHS research costs for inclusion in grant applications to ensure NHS deliverability in line with NIHR and other funder guidelines
  • Facilitate letters of support and sign off for lead NHS sites
  • Facilitate sponsorship requests to the Sponsorship Oversight Group
  • Facilitate the submission of grant applications where UHB are acting as the lead organisation
  • Reporting awarded grants to the UHB Board of Directors to ensure efficient post award contracting
  • Review research funder feedback and information to aid future applications
  • Providing expert advice regarding the Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) as AcoRD practitioners

Making an application

Researchers need to inform RAS via, of the intention to submit at least 6 weeks prior to any submission deadline, with RAS receiving the draft application and having the initial meeting scheduled 4 weeks prior to the submission deadline. This is to ensure there is sufficient time to thoroughly review the application and provide an accurate budget.

We recommend researchers complete the RAS Grants Proforma when notifying RAS of any new grant application, as this will provide all the necessary information for processing the request and assigning a Research Grant Officer.

For all studies that require UHB to act as Sponsor, the researcher will need to formally apply to the Sponsorship Oversight Group for their review and approval. In order to request this review, the Sponsorship Request Form will need to be completed and sent to along with the relevant documents, to ensure the appropriate funding review takes place.

Meet the team

Kady Hutton

Kady Hutton, Senior Research Grant Officer

Photo of Charlotte Sabine

Charlotte Sabine, Research Grant Officer

Photo of Joy Johnson

Joy Johnson, R&D Operations Facilitator