Information for patients and public

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What is research and why is it important?

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Research is a fundamental part of advances within healthcare, and can lead to important breakthroughs which benefit members of the public and our patients.

These breakthroughs can include:

  • Earlier diagnoses
  • More effective treatments
  • Illness prevention
  • Quicker recovery

At UHB, research is key for furthering how we treat and care for our patients, and the important of research is evident through all the work that we do.

Getting involved

  • Find a study
    If you are thinking of taking part in one of our trials, we would recommend reading the guidance on the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) How to take Part – Be Part of Research website.

    To take part in a clinical trial you must provide informed consent before any trial-related procedures can take place. This includes you reviewing the participant information sheet and agreeing to take part.

    It is a good idea for you to find out as much as possible about the trial by asking the doctor or researcher running the trial lots of questions.
  • PPIE (Patient and public involvement and engagement)
    University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) has a number of of patient and public involvement and engagement groups.

    Please email patient and public involvement and engagement for further information on any local group:
  • How is my data used for research?
    Health data can be used to plan and improve health services, understand conditions, and help diagnose diseases earlier. To find out more, please visit I’m a Patient – University Hospitals Birmingham (, where there is further information for patients whose data is used for research.

How do I opt out of my data being used?

The National Data Opt-out policy was introduced on 25 May 2018, it enables patients to opt out of their confidential patient information being used for research and planning. Patients can view or change their national data opt-out choice at any time. Data on patients who have opted out is removed prior to data being utilised for research purposes. To find out more, please read Choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning – NHS (