Data research

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University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) hosts a number of research centres, many of which focus their work on specific areas of disease or injury. Our Health Data Research Hubs support activity and collaborate with these research centres as well as a range of specialities and departments that all share a common goal of improving patient care.


PIONEER Health Data Research Hub logo

PIONEER, the Health Data Research (HDR) Hub for Acute Care, is one of seven HDR UK hubs.

PIONEER aims to improve healthcare pathways and treatments by understanding:

  • the symptoms and diseases people have when they become unwell
  • whether those people had been to hospital or other healthcare providers with the same problems
  • the time it took to make a diagnosis and the care they received

UHB is the data controller for PIONEER, with the overall project led by University of Birmingham. The West Midlands Ambulance Service, the University of Warwick and Insignia Medical Systems are also founding members of the hub.

Learn more about PIONEER.


INSIGHT Health Data Research Hub logo

INSIGHT is a Health Data Research Hub focusing on eye health and its connection to wider health issues, including diabetes and dementia. It’s one of seven HDR UK hubs.

The hub uses anonymised, large-scale data and advanced analytics, including artificial intelligence (AI), to develop new insights in disease detection, diagnosis, treatments and personalised healthcare.

INSIGHT is a collaboration between six partners:

  • UHB (lead institution)
  • Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • UoB
  • Roche
  • Google
  • Action Against AMD (founded by Fight for Sight, Macular Society, Blind Veterans UK, Sight Scotland/Sight Scotland Veterans)

Learn more about INSIGHT.


PATHWAY - Research - People - Ethics logo

PATHWAY is designed to provide safe access to those clinicians, analysts and researchers who are committed to using UHB data to improve patient care and the population’s health and well-being.

All requests for access to data will be considered as part of a four-stage review and data access mechanism. This will start with the Applicant completing a Data Request Form. This form will include contact details and a description of what the request involves, to allow an assessment of the project, however if more information may be required recorded discussions with the requestor will occur.

To see how the PATHWAY data application works in detail, see our Data Request Process diagram below or contact the PATHWAY team for more information on R&

Learn more about PATHWAY Research Data Hub – University Hospitals Birmingham.

West Midlands SDE

West Midlands Secure Data Environment logo

The West Midlands Secure Data Environment (West Midlands SDE) is part of the NHSE SDE Programme. The West Midlands SDE is hosted by UHB on behalf of the region aims to bring together multi-modal research data sets from across the West Midlands that will allow researchers analyse health and social care data safely and securely.

The WMSDE mission is to collate and harmonise large-scale, multi-modal healthcare data to derive executable knowledge that:

  • delivers improvements in healthcare decisions
  • enables discovery
  • catalyses innovation

Learn more about West Midlands SDE.